Dra. Rosa de Lourdes Santiago MeloPlastic SurgeryCRM/SP: 75636

+55 11 5904-3347

+55 11 99476-4245 (whatsapp)
R. Apeninos, 429 - Cj. 811/812 | Paraiso - SP

Specialized medical structure

Dra. Rosa Melo

Plastic Surgery
CRM/SP: 75636

Professional History

Dr. Rosa de Lourdes Santiago Melo is a doctor graduated from the Federal University of Paraiba in 1993. Dr. Rosa specialized in general surgery, with the team from Hospital Leão XIII - Ipiranga / SP from 1994 to 1996.

Her expertise is in plastic surgery, concluded at Institute of Medical-Scientific Research of São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, between the years of 1996 and 1999.

Achieved the title of specialist in plastic surgery, through the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, the Regional Council of Medicine / SP and the Brazilian Medical Association in 1999.

Member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery. Master in Gerontology from the Pontifical Catholic University / SP. Theme: Rejuvenation for a body that ages.

Clinical Structure

Dra. Rosa Melo Plastic Surgery

Rua Apeninos, 429 - Conj. 811/812 Paraiso, São Paulo-SP Brasil

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