Dra. Rosa de Lourdes Santiago MeloPlastic SurgeryCRM/SP: 75636

+55 11 5904-3347

+55 11 99476-4245 (whatsapp)
R. Apeninos, 429 - Cj. 811/812 | Paraiso - SP

Clarify your doubts

  • 1 Is there danger in surgery?

    There is always some risks involved, but we take all the procedures to soften them, through evaluation and preoperative tests, control measures and treatment of pre-existing conditions. Also, the procedures are performed in appropriate environments, using the adequate surgical materials. To avoid problems at the postoperative phase, it is very important for the patient to strictly followall medical guidelines.

  • 2 Can I get pregnant after the surgery?

    For the vast majority of surgeries, there is no contraindication or major danger. But in case of plastic, it is very important to have an extra care for weight control in a post-pregnancy phase. Alsotake care of the skin andphysical exercises (if specified by the doctor). It is also important to have a strict prenatal!

  • 3 Surgery is painful?

    The pain is subjective and varies according to the individuality of each patient. Usually plastic surgery is not painful. The medications prescribed postoperatively are usually sufficient to control the pain.

  • 4 Can I breastfeed after a plastic procedure in the breast?

    Currentlyused techniques for plastic mammary do not affect breast feeding.

  • 5 Dúvida: Does current techniques for mammoplasty alter breastfeeding?

    Some surgeries cause changes in sensitivity, in most cases due to swelling. With postoperative, reduced swelling and scarring, over time the sensitivity will come back to normal. This occurs at varying periods, depending on the patient, surgical technique and enough care at the postoperative.

  • 6 When can I do physical exercises?

    The time limit varies depending on the surgery to be performed. Normally after 30 to 45 days.

  • 7 How long should I stay away from work?

    It varies according to the surgery that will be performed and to the activity performed at work.

  • 8 When are the stitches removed?

    Most sutures are made with wires which are absorbed by the body, therefore it does not require removal. However, some stitches need to be removed and this varies from 1 to 2 weeks.

  • 9 How long will be hospitalized?

    From 8 to 24 hours depending on the size of surgery.

  • 10 How long does the surgery last?

    The duration depends on size: the type of surgery and the technique used. During consult with doctors, we can only estimate the amount of time needed after detailed physical examination.

  • 11 What is the kind of anesthesia?

    The anesthesia varies: it may be local with sedation, epidural with sedation or general.

  • 12 Should I do lymphatic drainage?

    Lymphatic drainage is indicated to assist in scarring and absorption of the swelling. It is always oriented in the postoperative period of surgical liposuction, abdomen, breasts, face, prostheses and others.

  • 13 For how long should I wear the compressive strap or postoperative vest?

    The surgical mesh, usually worn after surgery, should be continuously worn, in other words, 24 hours a day during the first month. On the second and third postoperative month, we recommend wearing the mesh during daytime.

  • 14 When can I sunbathe?

    The sun should be avoided as it swells and stains. Therefore, we suggest avoiding sun exposure for three months.

  • 15 How will be the scar?

    Scarring depends on each patient. There are patients who have barely noticeable scars, others may develop pathologic scars such as keloids (thick and painful scars), which is not very common. It is very important to make a rigorous postoperative follow-up, following all the medical instructions and scheduled returns for reassessment

Dra. Rosa Melo Plastic Surgery

Rua Apeninos, 429 - Conj. 811/812 Paraiso, São Paulo-SP Brasil

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