Dra. Rosa de Lourdes Santiago MeloPlastic SurgeryCRM/SP: 75636

+55 11 5904-3347

+55 11 99476-4245 (whatsapp)
R. Apeninos, 429 - Cj. 811/812 | Paraiso - SP


Here we briefly present our services, in order to answer questions
and provide a variety of information for better understanding of plastic surgery.

Who We Are

Dr. Rosa Melo is a doctor formed by the Federal University of Paraíba specialized in general surgery and in plastic surgery by the Institute of Medical-Scientific Research of São Bernardo do Campo-SP in 1999. In the same year acquired its title of specialist in plastic surgery by the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery.

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Frequently Asked questions

  • 1 Is there danger in surgery?

    There is always some risks involved, but we take all the procedures to soften them, through evaluation and preoperative (...)

  • 2 Can I get pregnant after surgery?

    For the vast majority of surgeries, there is no contraindication or major danger. But in case of plastic, it is very important (...)

  • 3 Surgery is painful?

    The pain is subjective and varies according to the individuality of each patient. Usually plastic surgery is not painful (...)

Dra. Rosa Melo Plastic Surgery

Rua Apeninos, 429 - Conj. 811/812 Paraiso, São Paulo-SP Brasil

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